Recently with the launch of the iPad, Apples latest innovation in Computers, a flurry of iPad knock-offs have flown onto eBay. May of them, based on Google’s Open-Source operating system “Android” which powers many of the top phones in today’s industry. These Tablet computers have sprung up from many manufacturers in lower-income countries like China and Hong Kong. People in these countries don’t worry about copying designs, because of the different laws that govern
there areas.
I had the idea to purchase one of these tablet computers, so I went ahead, on eBay and purchased the one that looked most alike to an iPad. I recently got the tablet in the mail from Hong Kong. This tablet was based on the Android operating system, and sold with a look-alike image to the iPad. I thought it would be a good system.Below I have outlined my review of this tablet computer, so you can look at it before you decide which tablet to buy.
First of all, I thought it was funny, that on the box there was an image of the iPad instead of the actual product that I was about to open. At that point, I was pretty sure this was a knock off. I noticed that a pen, which should be included, wasn’t even there. Although, the instructions warned against, touching with your fingers.
The problems, began once I started to look at the computer. When I pulled it out of the box, I noticed that the screen wasn’t properly aligned, and moved whenever I touched it. I also noticed that the corners were scratched, and one side, had a huge dent inside of it.
I thought, that was going to be the worst of it, and at least the system would be great. So I turned it on, only to find out that the top of it said Demo Version and that, videos played horribly. I tried to play a couple videos, and found the screen was skipping.
However, I was impressed at the browser, which worked normally, like many mobile browsers. I was surprised that the keyboard was nice, and was in the English Language, when some tablets would not even have an English keyboard in it.
Overall I would rate the tablet 5/10 because yes it’s great for those,looking for mobile Internet, but for things like Videos and playing games, it doesn’t do the job.
Looking around, I found there were many more tablets, available from China, with different styles. Some of them may be quality, however its best to investigate each one, before you purchase it. I found out the hard way, that sometimes you won’t get the best one, and you need to do your research before purchasing,
I would also recommend looking at the sellers record, if they tend to sell a lot of knock-offs, they could be a Chinese manufacturer who only does that, which is very typical of some of the eBay sellers that I have met.
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